The Passion of Christ, Part One
Going to see The Passion of Christ last night, I really did not quite know how to react. I expected to be reacting much more emotionally then I did. My first thought was, "This reminds me of the way I felt just after the 9/11 attacks." During the time of the attacks, my emotional reaction was to feel no emotion at all for the first two or three days after it happened, and I felt much the same way after seeing the film last night.
John Piper says in his book, The Passion of Christ: 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came To Die,
"For our sake God did the impossible: He poured out his wrath on his own Son -- the one whose submission made him infinitely unworthy to receive it. Yet the Son's very willingness to receive it was precious in God's sight. The wrath-bearer was infinitely loved."
I do not have any understanding of how to react to this paradox. I can only receive the truth of it. In the film, Pilate's struggle with the truth and his wife Claudia's recognition of the truth are a mirror to me of my struggle with God's truth and the paradox of His grace covering the sin in my own life.