Friday, August 19, 2011

In Response To The Terrorist Attacks In Israel

In praying for Israel in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks and Israel's response to them, I was meditating on scripture and the Lord gave me Isaiah 42:6-9 and Matthew 5:13-16. We must stand before the Lord in the identity we have received as believers in Yeshua and reject the idols of convenience, success, and materialism we have accepted even within the church. The Lord said through the prophet Isaiah, "I am the Lord, that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." - Isaiah 42:8-9

We must be prepared to be a light as Gentiles to everyone we meet whether Jew or Gentile even as we have received light. Yeshua himself said, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden" and "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:14,16

Pray for Israel right now, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and especially that Prime Minister Netanyahu has the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Yeshua during this time of crisis for Israel. - (Eph. 1:17-19)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Three Ways to Forgive
1. Be a Screen Door
     Like the wind blows through a screen door, let blustry comments, stormy blasts just blow right past. Incidents can only hit hard if you have your front door closed. But having a screen door policy allows some of the pain to blow by, us all hidden in Christ….
2. Only Believe the Best
     When you believe that everyone is always just doing their best, that we never war against flesh and blood but against the principalities, that in light of this fallen world and sinful limitations, they truly are doing their best… this changes everything. Love bears all things, hopes all things, believes all things and whatever is good and pure and lovely, think on these things.
3. Tell the Thankful Truth
     The truth is, there is always something, a lot, to give thanks for and that is the truth about every single parent. Consider offering a father, a mother, the gift of a jar full of slips of paper with your gratitude and thankful memories jotted down. This kind of grateful truth-telling helps to heal old wounds.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Here I Am, Signing Up Again

     Here I am again, Abba. How often do I seem to want to stray away from your heart? My heart's desire is to be wholehearted, childlike, and mature in my trust in you and in my love for you. And yet, I find myself again and again throwing a childish fit when I don't receive what I think you want for me. I don't want to disqualify myself when you don't disqualify me, but I don't want to make a religious excuse for my sin either. I love you, Abba, and I want to please you in everything that I do. I didn't please you yesterday, and I missed a great opportunity to partner with you in prayer. Please forgive me and set my heart again in the place of wholehearted devotion to you. You are my greatest treasure and my greatest pleasure, and I don't want to sacrifice your presence on the altar of my own selfish desires that don't really satisfy anyways. I know that I can only love you as much as I receive and understand how much you love me. I sign up again to love you with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength, Abba. In Yeshua's Name, Amen.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

What Have I Been Missing?!

     I have started to realize lately, that I might be missing many dynamics of relationship that God wants me to see and start to walk in.

     A brother in God here at the International House of Prayer has said, "We are creatures made with eyes, noses, hands and mouths, and it is through these five senses that we commune with God." This makes a whole lot sense when we consider how much creation can and does speak to us in many ways.

     Consider with me the examples of the sweet smelling rose or the amazing beauty of the lilac in full bloom. Or consider the awe-inspiring nature of a night sky filled with aurora borealis. Yet, I never considered just how clearly my Abba (father) in heaven actually does encompass speaking to me with all of my five senses if I'm willing to see, listen, smell, feel, or speak.

     Our Lord is so full of mercy and lovingkindness in that He continues to offer us the choice of setting our hearts fully and steadfastly on Him and abandoning all other pretenses that keep our hearts separated from Him. I've encountered this again in my daily life with realizing just how casual I am with my love for Him and yet He still draws me away into His presence again.

     Oh, Abba, help me to catch the little foxes that spoil the vineyard of my heart! Make me your garden again that I might rule and reign with you through prayer in Your Presence.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From Streams In The Desert

May 24
Rock Flowers
"Thou hast shewed thy people hard things" (Ps. 60:3).
I have always been glad that the Psalmist said to God that some things were hard. There is no mistake about it; there are hard things in life. Some beautiful pink flowers were given me this summer, and as I took them I said, "What are they?" And the answer came, "They are rock flowers; they grow and bloom only on rocks where you can see no soil." Then I thought of God's flowers growing in hard places; and I feel, somehow, that He may have a peculiar tenderness for His "rock flowers" that He may not have for His lilies and roses. --Margaret Bottome
The tests of life are to make, not break us. Trouble may demolish a man's business but build up his character. The blow at the outward man may be the greatest blessing to the inner man. If God, then, puts or permits anything hard in our lives, be sure that the real peril, the real trouble, is what we shall lose if we flinch or rebel. --Maltbie D. Babcock
"Heroes are forged on anvils hot with pain, And splendid courage comes but with the test. Some natures ripen and some natures bloom Only on blood-wet soil, some souls prove great Only in moments dark with death or doom."
"God gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction."

Monday, April 25, 2011

His Ways Are Higher - Abba, The Righteous Judge

We don't truly understand the nature of the King to whom we have pledged our allegiance to even when  He gives us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of His Son, Jesus.

We only have a fleeting image from the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) as to the nature of the Kingdom we are born again into.

What does God say when those in despair cry out like the widow did to God, "Grant me justice against my adversary"? (Luke 18:3Will God not speedily avenge them and bring about justice? (Luke 18:1-8) Even the unjust judge spoken of in this passage gave the widow justice when he was wearied by her tireless and unceasing cry. How much more God who is the Righteous Judge!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Facts vs. Feelings

"We walk by faith, not by appearance" (2 Cor. 5:7, RV).

By faith, not appearance; God never wants us to look at our feelings. Self may want us to; and Satan may want us to. But God wants us to face facts, not feelings; the facts of Christ and of His finished and perfect work for us.

When we face these precious facts, and believe them because God says they are facts, God will take care of our feelings.

God never gives feeling to enable us to trust Him;
God never gives feeling to encourage us to trust Him;
God never gives feeling to show that we have already and utterly trusted Him.

God gives feeling only when He sees that we trust Him apart from all feeling, resting on His own Word, and on His own faithfulness to His promise.

Never until then can the feeling (which is from God) possibly come; and God will give the feeling in such a measure and at such a time as His love sees best for the individual case.

We must choose between facing toward our feelings and facing toward God's facts. Our feelings may be as uncertain as the sea or the shifting sands. God's facts are as certain as the Rock of Ages, even Christ Himself, who is the same yesterday, today and forever.


"When darkness veils His lovely face
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Psalm 25:1-3, 16-21

1 To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul;
2 in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame,
   nor let my enemies triumph over me.
3 No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they
   will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse.

Someone once said a deliciously joyful thing in the middle of a church service that is the most clearly truthful expression of this verse. "If we feel dirty, then we will act dirty but, if we feel clean, then we will be clean."

This quote is the perfect expression of two powerful truths King David walked in that expressed our ability to not only not feel shame but he showed us the way we can walk in the face of threats from our enemies. These truths are hope or confidence in who God says He is and who He says we are and a complete and total trust in who God is that helps me to walk with my will completely surrendered to His Will.

The verses below, prove that this worldview was living and active in David's life and were consistently a part of his prayer life before God.

16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.
17 The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my
18 Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my
19 See how my enemies have increased and how fiercely they hate
20 Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I
     take refuge in you.
21 May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in

Even in the times of trouble when David's soul was troubled by every manner of loneliness of soul and trouble of heart, David's trust in the character of God was strong and his confidence in God was sure. His circumstances didn't always line up, the Cave of Adullum isn't the easiest of places, but He still put His trust in God and cried out to God for justice against his adversaries.

David took refuge in God and he knew the basis for his character and integrity was in God. Because of this, David reason for hope, confidence, and a simple trust in God that came from the place of intimacy he had with God.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here I am waiting to receive prophecy at the International House of Prayer and yet all I can think about is how highly God is lifted up and how lowly I am in His presence except that His love compels Him to come low and seek me out.

What a humbling mercy that God the Father of glory chooses to come near me because of the Son's sacrifice and through the agency of Holy Spirit. I am so grateful that there is only one slain sacrifice that was found worthy to make this possible and that is the slain lamb, Yeshua the Messiah.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Persevering in working out my salvation with fear and trembling means learning how to persevere in the waiting as much as I would in the activity or the persecution that I might endure. This would be quite difficult to do in my own strength, but, thankfully, I don't have to do it that way.

Philippians 2:13 (NIV) states, "for it is God who works in you both to will and to act according to His good purpose." God's work in me and His work alone is what places in me the strength to persevere in the waiting and places in me the strength to do what He alone could enable me to do. "...for without me you can do nothing." (John 15:5b - NKJV)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ABANDONED – From Streams In The Desert Devotional

Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!

Seeking all His fulness at whatever cost;

Cutting all the shore-lines, launching in the deep

Of His mighty power--strong to save and keep.

Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!

Oh! the sinking, sinking, until self is lost!

Until the emptied vessel lies broken at His feet;

Waiting till His filling shall make the work complete.

Utterly abandoned to the will of God;

Seeking for no other path than my Master trod;

Leaving ease and pleasure, making Him my choice,

Waiting for His guidance, listening for His voice.

Utterly abandoned! no will of my own;

For time and for eternity, His, and His alone;

All my plans and purposes lost in His sweet will,

Having nothing, yet in Him all things possessing still.

Utterly abandoned! 'tis so sweet to be

Captive in His bonds of love, yet so wondrous free;

Free from sin's entanglements, free from doubt and fear,

Free from every worry, burden, grief or care.

Utterly abandoned! oh, the rest is sweet,

As I tarry, waiting, at His blessed feet;

Waiting for the coming of the Guest divine,

Who my inmost being shall perfectly refine.

Lo! He comes and fills me, Holy Spirit sweet!

I, in Him, am satisfied! I, in Him, complete!

And the light within my soul shall nevermore grow dim

While I keep my covenant--abandoned unto Him!

--Author Unknown

Thursday, March 03, 2011

From Streams In The Desert

The End Of Our Strength

"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (John 20:29).

How strong is the snare of the things that are seen, and how necessary for God to keep us in the things that axe unseen! If Peter is to walk on the water he must walk; if he is going to swim, he must swim, but he cannot do both. If the bird is going to fly it must keep away from fences and the trees, and trust to its buoyant wings. But if it tries to keep within easy reach of the ground, it will make poor work of flying.

God had to bring Abraham to the end of his own strength, and to let him see that in his own body he could do nothing. He had to consider his own body as good as dead, and then take God for the whole work; and when he looked away from himself, and trusted God alone, then he became fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able to perform. That is what God is teaching us, and He has to keep away encouraging results until we learn to trust without them, and then He loves to make His Word real in fact as well as faith.
--A. B. Simpson


I do not ask that He must prove
His Word is true to me,
And that before I can believe
He first must let me see.
It is enough for me to know
'Tis true because He says 'tis so;
On His unchanging Word I'll stand
And trust till I can understand.
--E. M. Winter

This is the consistent work of God in our lives when we totally surrender our wills to His Will.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The mercy that God gives me anew every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) is unsanctified mercy without my total surrender to God's Will on a daily basis.

There is no time left for any of us to give ourselves even a single day without a will that is totally surrendered to God's Will.

I must, like David, delight in God's law every day and meditate on God's Word both day and night making God's tabernacle my dwelling place.
The goal of the five-fold ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:11) is two-fold, unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God and to become mature attaining to the fullness of Christ. The goal is unity and maturity and the purpose is to be built up into these two goals. (Ephesians 4:12-13)

Christ is the nourishing root and vine by which we the branches grow into these two things. (Ephesians 4:14-16; John 15:1-8)
Abiding & Abandonment both require trust and patience and these two things look like total surrender with every moment and every life circumstance that I face.

I can say that I will totally surrender but actually doing it is not the easiest thing in the world. Especially when God is lovingly confronting me head on with the ways of living that I have not FULLY surrendered yet.